Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The advantages of CSS + some great resources by Arjen Tienkamp

In the past I used to style everything on my website with simple HTML, tables and images... not very efficient, and it has a lot of troubles with different browsers. Nowadays I'm using CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, which bring a lot of advantages. One of the biggest advantages in my opinion is, that when you update the CSS file, the changes are carried through the whole website. You don't have to open all the pages to edit it manually.

But it's not only that, also the file size of the HTML files of your website are smaller, because all the styles are located at one single file: Style.css

I learned working with CSS on the internet, and I believe that most of us bloggers do. The only thing you need are some good tutorials, and time. I've written some useful CSS resources below, which I've used to understand how CSS works, and what you can do with it.

1. CSS tutorial on W3schools

2. EchoEcho

3. HTML Dog

4. Tips and Tricks at the Blogherald

5. Toolbox CSS @ CSS Tricks

6. Introduction to CSS - Tutorial Dog

And as a bonus, some websites offering free CSS codes:

* Dynamic Drive: CSS library
* CSS Creator (Template generator)

About the Author

Writer of the Campodiez V2 weblog.

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