Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SEO Vs PPC by Michael G. Pickett Jr

I started using my SEO tactics on Arperture Widgets, News, Search, and Ads almost one month ago. I know there are tons of sites that give free traffic exchange just by the click of the mouse and you will receive the same type of traffic that you are providing but in the end your getting a 100% bounce rate. Your bounce rate is one of the many factors in your page rank.

Below I have a link to a few screen-shot's of all the traffic to my site and after just 25+ days of tracking (Google Tracking) and using my own advice and at the same time using a paid traffic surfing agency (not traffic era) to compare stats, bounce rate, and direct traffic to all my referrals and sources of site traffic.

The paid surfing (which I won't use anymore) has sadly a 100% bounce rate, and that means people are just clicking then leaving, successful SEO bounce rates are below 70%, that means people are coming to your site and hanging out then clicking on a few links and seeing what you really have to offer them, whether its used golf-balls or a work at home albeit pyramid scheme that promises nothing but words of encouragement.

In no way what so ever am I saying that traffic exchanges are bad there good for the people that own them (go buy a traffic script) and they would do better if they encouraged some kind of game with a management system integrated into them, -not just surf these ads here-, but a true way to keep the people there, having people visit and not register is just not real traffic, I can install a PHP script that gives the same bounce ratio and fake visits that will register as unique. I have also had in my possession, several desktop tools that will visit any site that I enter the address and give set info. But these tools are Black Hat Tactics so there not recommended and will probably earn you a red flag from Google or some other ad-sense service.

Screen #1 shows the daily graph, Screen #2 shows the weekly graph. Screen #3 shows the monthly Graph.

*1) *2) *3)

Still don't trust the stats? E-mail me at and I will send you a one day trial subscription for $1.00.

About the Author

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